2018 Kurita Awards for Best Student Paper at the ISE2018 conference – Gábor Fleit (see picture)
2018 Pro Progressio Doctoral Innovation Award – Ákos Vinkó, PhD
Research papers are published in highly ranked international, peer-reviewed journals.
A selection from the recent ones:
Szilagyi, J.; Crago, R.; Qualls, R.: A calibration-free formulation of the complementary relationship of evaporation for continental-scale hydrology. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH: ATMOSPHERES 122 : 1 pp. 264-278. , 15 p. (2017). See the research here.
Baranya, S.; Fleit, G.; Józsa, J.; Szalóky, Z.; Tóth, B.; Czeglédi, I.; Erős, T.: Habitat mapping of riverine fish by means of hydromorphological tools. ECOHYDROLOGY 11 : 7 Paper: e2009 (2018). Read the article here.
Torma, P.; Wu, C.: Temperature and Circulation Dynamics in a Small and Shallow Lake: Effects of Weak Stratification and Littoral Submerged Macrophytes. WATER 11 : 1 p. 128 (2019). Read the article here.
Józsa, J.; Kiely, G.; Borthwick, A. G. L.: Sediment Flux and Its Environmental Implications. JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATICS 24 : 2 pp. 111-120. , 10 p. (2014). Read the article here.
Nándor Liegner – Gyula Kormos – Helga Papp: Solutions of omitting rail expansion joints in case of steel railway bridges with wooden sleepers, Periodica Polytechnica Civil Engineering 59(4), pp. 495-502. (2015). Read the article here.
Soós Z. - Bóka Dávid - Tóth Csaba: Determination of Load Equivalency Factors by Statistical Analysis of Weigh-In-Motion Data. BALTIC JOURNAL OF ROAD AND BRIDGE ENGINEERING (ISSN: 1822-427X) 11: (4) pp. 266-273. (2016)
Vinkó, Á., Bocz, P., Posgay, Z. "A practical approach to tramway track condition monitoring: vertical track defects detection and identification using timefrequency processing techniqu". SSP - JOURNAL OF CIVIL ENGINEERING, 13(s1), pp. 135–146. 2018. Read the article here.